Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Your Certified In What?!!

Today I realized that there is probably a certifying "agency" for ANY activity that exists. I am taking a real estate salesperson course (more on that later), and one of my classmates is a Certified Stager. That's right, she holds a certification in the "art of staging homes". For those of you unfamiliar with staging, it is when you re-design a house that is for sale in a way that makes it attractive to most buyers. This primarily means taking out anything that reflects your own personality so that others can imagine themselves living in your space.

So, I decided to do some quick research on whether there are certifications for some of the activities I completed today. I found out that there are certifications for dog walking, storytelling, and bra fitting. I am sure that I could have gone farther but I believe that my point is proven: the market for Val-ID-ate is endless!!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Hi Joelle,
After reading your blog, I decided to research dog walking. I found it truly amazing that classes are offered leading to a professional dog walking certification. There are definitely some unique job certifications that exist. Further research unveiled that people can now be certified in EcoTourism, be a professional hacker or professional shopper, or even a pet psychologist. Not to mention all of the above require a college degree. Interesting post, now-a-days people can be just about anything.