Saturday, October 18, 2008

Feedback Tour

Remember Field of Dreams? "If you build it, he will come"? Well, how about if no one wants what you build? has a bunch of products that retailers apparently don't want. I am sure that many of you can name a recent technology that bit the dust right after release.

We want to make sure that people want what we are selling, so we are launching a Feedback Tour. We are going to our faithful clients and other HR professionals to confirm that our Val-ID-ate product fills a need.

Yes, I know, it would have made much more sense doing this at the start - but better late than never.

We are going to use as many outlets as possible to reach HR professionals to ask them about 10 quick questions. By the end of each discussion, we will have a better understanding of what credentials they seek, the sources used, and where they look. Most importantly - they will know our name!

So, if you know an HR professional willing to chat for about 10 minutes, send them our way.