Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fake It 'Til You Make It

"Fake It 'Til You Make It" This is my new mantra, courtesy of Iya Karade, co-owner of Karade Gymnastics School. We often sit and muse about the life of an entrepreneur and the ways in which we get through hardships under which others would fail. I have to say that Iya and her husband are true inspirations. They continue to fight hard to keep their world-class gymnastics program flourishing, and I am proud to fight alongside them as a coach.

They recently moved to a new location. Great amount of space, but the building has some little issues that weren't apparent until it rained. That's right: the roof leaks. Well, after the horrible discovery (and they had just laid a beautiful floor for dance practice) they went into recovery mode: placing buckets on the floor and trying to patch the roof. They determined that repairing the roof would be costly and not truly enough for what really needed to be done. Rather than present a sloppy image of buckets and towels they came up with a unique solution: build a room around the leak. That's right - they used their more-than-adequate carpentry skills, two by fours, a nail gun and some Sheetrock to build an "office". So, when current and prospective parents come into the gym they don't see a mess, their eyes instead go to the spring floor full of gymnasts working on routines.

This innovative approach to solving problems is the skill that I continue to strive to achieve. I wonder that if I was in the same situation, what would I have done to resolve the problem? I worry that I would have left the buckets and when people arrived I would do a dance with flailing arms to try and distract. Much more work than investing the time and effort to "remove the image entirely".

My goal these days is to do less and invest energies where the return on investment is much more. So, I welcome when colleagues and friends point out: hey, Joelle, just build the room. Your dance is NOT working. I can still see the buckets!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend and I had a conversation about our cat. He asked me “What is that I see on the rug near the litter box?” I answered “That was just the cat thinking outside the box!” Our conversation made me realize how important it is to “think outside the box”. Out-of-the box thinking requires openness to new ways of seeing the world and a willingness to explore. I firmly believe, in today’s world creativity is the key to success. Creativity is a priceless tool that can lead to remarkable outcomes. Somewhere along the line, many adults have forgotten how to use their imagination to think and solve problems outside the box. We should think differently, unconventionally and from a new perspective, as Iya did. “The box” is the normal way of doing and looking at things. Iya solved her problem, by using her creativity, and apparently it worked! I belive more of us should start thinking this way, and maybe we’ll find that problem solving comes more easily. Just some food for thought.