Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Eureka Moments!

I've figured it out - sort of. The issue, often, for small businesses is determining the way to make money. Entrepreneurs fall in love with their businesses and forget that "oh, we are supposed to make a living". Jennifer and I remind ourselves that income is our ultimate goal, but we have forgone salaries for many months in order to keep Verify-ED going. We understand that sacrifice is involved to grow - but really, how MUCH can a body take? Every time we think that we have come to the edge, the gang plank is extended.

My husband tells me to "think big". I have had a BIG THOUGHT...and it is under development. In an effort to make it work, I won't go into detail (you never know - our competitors may be reading my blog). But, just wish me luck and focus. More focus that luck!

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