Monday, January 26, 2009

Walk Like A Man, Talk Like A Man

Maybe I should just start a series of blogs about "thinking like a man". It is interesting that I associate actions of deception or mean thoughts with the male species - but I am jealous of their ability to act and think about feelings later. Along those lines, I did a "man act" today - and I am proud of myself. I found out that our competitor sold itself to another competitor. Now our direct competitor holds a significant customer share that we want and this "sale" has not been publicized yet (and the intention may be to never publicize it). My business partner and I determined that if we had the client share that our recently sold competitor has, it would significantly increase our revenue without taxing our resources - which is always a good thing. So, I did the man thing: I called up our client and let them know that their service provider is disappearing and their designated customer service representatives have also disappeared (read: let go). I also emphasized the fact that OUR tool provides the protection against liability that they need and going to any other competitor puts them at risk. So basically, I CAPITALIZED on the situation. I will continue to utilize this approach until we increase our share and I thank you, competitor, for jumping ship. The woman in me, though, can't help but say, "good luck on your other endeavors". Sigh....

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