Friday, January 9, 2009

Inaugural Ball Jewelry Mannequin

My husband and I will be attending the Illinois State Society Inaugural Ball (Washington, D.C.). It is one of the more popular balls this inauguration: .

I found a beautiful Bill Blass dress at the Goodwill on 25th street for $40! My wonderful aunt is altering the dress. The pictures are also located at . It is currently being altered, so there are a few more wrinkles than it will have the night of the ball.

Well, since I hardly wear jewelry (notice my elegant sports watch) I realized that I don't have anything that complements the dress. So I am offering myself as a Mannequin to a jewelry designer! I put a few posts on some Ladies Who Launch groups (great organization!) seeking a jewelry designer interested in loaning me jewelry to wear.

This is a great opportunity for a designer to get free publicity, and I am offering to hand out the designer's business card to anyone who asks about the pieces.

I am hoping that there is a designer out there who has pieces that will give me a chance to upstage Oprah and Michelle Obama! I look forward to telling you about what I finally wear.

1 comment:

Michele said...

I love your dress! You got quite a bargain, considering how pricy Bill Blass clothing can be. I also am hardly a fan of flashy jewelry, but if you check out this website, you can get an idea of what stars are wearing to compliment their dresses. I don’t think the sports watch is going to cut it :)! Although it seems many of them are wearing no jewelry at all or something on the very subtle side. My suggestion is to think outside the box and use your creative thinking. Perhaps it will take you a long way. Good luck, hope this helps!