Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today Verify-ED Achieves Omnipresence

At around midnight this morning (oxymoron), I was informed that I am a finalist in the IFEL Business Plan competition. As you may remember from my earlier post (Time To Visit Aunt B), I do not know anything about the prizes being offered. So my elation halted in mid jump: for WHAT am I a finalist? I still think of The Lottery.

So, now it is a game of sorts: wanting to win a contest to earn prizes that I have no idea whether I need (or want). I know, I know - who has time for games? I figure, if I am going to do something for an unknown ROI at least I am tightening my business plan in the process.

Today we were also featured in The Montclair Times! They did a story about Val-ID-ate, and the only thing about the article that made me groan is that the writer put the name of my home street vs. our business address street. Thankfully, our clients like us and I don't think that I would mind them dropping in....but only some of our clients live in town. Isn't it great we have Sammy to be our watchdog?

So, stay tuned! As usual, nothing is ever simple or boring in the Verify-ED world.

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