Monday, February 9, 2009

It Hurts When You Shoot Yourself In The Foot

I am in the middle of studying for a real estate exam. I am pursuing a real estate license to increase my level of all-around marketability. I gave myself a certain amount of time to complete this task - and I have exceeded it. Sound familiar? It is the same situation as when you give yourself a set amount of time to reach a destination - and it takes double or triple the estimate.

So, realizing that I will NOT get through 22 chapters in one night I have basically accepted a defeat of sorts (and made matters slower by drinking wine). I have re-worked my approach and set a new goal, but that means so many things will be negatively affected. This is a cycle that I see happen often that I would like to see disappear! These are detours that prevent me from moving forward. But who places these obstacles? Who forced me to tend to Verify-ED business during the class instead of paying attention?

As a balance to this setback, today I finally reduced the time it takes me to swim 1 lap. I am still very jealous of the woman who shared the lane with me and the man in the adjoining lane. Even though they were larger, they outswam me with ease. The woman seemed like she was just floating atop the water!

The key with goals: set your own, pay some (but not much) attention to the competitors around, and don't be last to the finish line! Tortoise and The Hare, baby!!

Now, back to studying....arghhh!!

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