Friday, February 6, 2009

Glimmer of Hope

Tonight my husband and I had dinner with dear friends who we have not really seen since "changes" (i.e. births of children). It was great reconnecting and sharing child rearing stories and just catching up on our lives. I observed the dynamics and found it fascinating that the women conversed with each other and the men among themselves. It could have just been because it was too noisy to try and converse over the table, but really the conversations were on different planes.

Anyway, one friend manages HR for an engineering company, and I told her about the Val-ID-ate goal: to become a standard part of the hiring process. She ABSOLUTELY thinks that recruiters should do some of the vetting before they present candidates to her. YES!!!! These are the words that keep me going - because I know that she is not the only one who feels that paying for recruiting services should include receiving candidates whose credentials have already been verified.

So, I go to bed tonight dreaming happy thoughts because I received some justification for moving forward. Thank you, G.E.!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Joelle,
It is very difficult to get ahead in today's world. Obstacles such as competition and the economy hold us back. I sincerely admire your dedication and motivation to move to move your company ahead. I agree sometimes kind words go along way in inspiring our commitment to moving forward. I believe credential verification is an up and coming trend and the market will expand in the near future when jobseekers realize how critical it is to seperate themselves from the rest of the competition. Good Luck, your ambition alone will get you where you want to be.