Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chasing Dreams

Are chasing dreams like chasing a dog? It is a strange comparison, but I started thinking about that this morning when Sammy, the dog we saved from PAWS, ran out the front door without a leash for the third time.

A part of me felt sad that he has the desire to "break out" - but, in reality we all want to explore our environment without being tied to something. Sammy always comes back, but today was scarier because he decided to exceed his boundaries by running into the street.

We have learned that 1) he does not listen, so calling to him means nothing and 2) running after him only makes it worse. So I stand in front of the house making sure that I can see him at all times, while he trots along looking over his shoulder at me thinking "ha ha, can't catch me".

We had some near misses with very pissed off drivers, but thankfully one of those drivers chased him back down our way.

While I watched Sammy, I got annoyed with each passing minute because all I could think was, "this is such a waste of my time. I have so many other things that need to get done". I also compared this pursuit of business success to waiting for Sammy. Can I believe that it will eventually come? If I just wait patiently, will it come? We all know that you can't sit back and expect things to happen, so like enticing Sammy with a doggie biscuit to quicken his return I need to keep thinking of the subtle, yet impactful, ways that I can coax success my way.

Sammy ended up spending the day in his crate. I went to PETCO, bought a dog tag with my phone number, bought a dog whistle, and asked about the obedience training classes they offer. I recognize that in order to have success with our Sammy we BOTH need to learn. I need to do this same assessment and subsequent action for Verify-ED. Because at the end of it all, Sammy WILL return when he is called and success WILL arrive when beckoned.


Anonymous said...

Wouhaou... this dog really makes you think!!!


Joelle Hinds-Ware said...

He has me thinking all the time!