Friday, June 27, 2008

Master Communicator...NOT!

I pondered writing about my recent experience because I consider it a failure of sorts, but I hope that others gain insight through my experiences.

I had a great opportunity to present to an investor group and, to put it lightly, I BOMBED! The funny thing is why: I was unable to properly convey our company, what we do, and what we need. After my posts about being able to clearly communicate, you would think that I would have this covered. So, now I rehash my errors and perform penance:

"Hi, my name is Joelle Ware and our company is Verify-ED. We provide background screening and résumé verification services. We launched a new tool called Val-ID-ate that gives job seekers a way to show proof of their qualifications."

THAT is the opening with which I should have started, but I did not. Needless to say, I was unsuccessful in inspiring others to consider working with us to expand our launch.

So, I have spent the day in my personal pity party and now it is time to keep moving. We continue to build our alliances and grow. And the next time someone asks me about Verify-ED and Val-ID-ate, what will I say?...

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