Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thanks to Wheeler and Johnston!

Well, I have to thank Adam Wheeler and Jesse Bernard Johnston III for providing great proof that Val-ID-ate is needed....EVERYWHERE! Not only was Adam Wheeler able to get Harvard to accept him, but he also got them to give him MONEY! Now, that is impressive! And Mr. Johnston III managed to get into a Marines reserve unit without any real military experience ...which also gave him potential access to weaponry.

Both cases are blamed on improper background screening.

What I love about these situations is that, in both, Val-ID-ate would have prevented either from happening. In the case of Wheeler and Harvard: if the school required Val-ID-ate resumes from all applicants they would have been ensured that the verified credentials presented were correct. We would love to help the Marines and their screening process - and we would be a much more cost effective option when compared to the negative publicity these situations wrought.

Harvard and the Marines, give us a call...if I don't get to you first!

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