Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today is Mother's Day and of course I get a little introspective. I have been focusing quite a bit on growing Verify-ED, launching Verify-crED and applying for investor funds - which means that other things and people don't get the focus. I console myself with the fact that my children would not WANT my undivided attention, but recognize that I still need to make the conscious effort to be more attentive. This is why I coach my girls' Level 2 gymnastics team. I found a way to combine my need for activity with my need for involvement with my children. I am sure that there are more relaxing ways to spend time with your children, but that would not be me. I can't wait until my son is old enough to get out there!

It is all about finding that balance. Figuring out what works best for you. I know that I am better for my family when I am challenged intellectually and physically. This entrepreneurial venture has been the best challenge that I have undertaken. I am psyched by how far we have gotten and about how far we can go. There are so many signs that the opportunities are waiting for fulfillment.

So, my Mother's Day wish for all the mothers out there is that you get the chances to explore your opportunities so that you continue to be the best mother that you are.

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